This week in pictures is pretty varied. There are baby kittens at the shelter, which still didn't have their eyes open and kind of looked like cute little rats. Then Emily and I went to the Planned Parenthood book sale, which is the awesomest thing to happen every March and September. We need to take bigger bags next year. Then I got my census forms and was a little too excited about it. Liz texted me that night to see if I wanted to have a photo shoot the next day, and I said, "why, of course!". So Riana and I bought some more wigs n things and had a really fun photo shoot (many pictures will be posted when I'm reunited with my hard drive in Des Moines). The next day Colin and I hopped on a couple planes and headed to California for Yonder spring tour! The next 2 pictures are pretty self-explanatory. YONDER!!! Yeah, it was a good week.
planned parenthood book sale!
we heart books!
i was really excited about filling out my census forms
last minute photo shoot
waiting at the des moines airport
hey adam, give us a lick!
ymsb @ the crystal bay club
ymsb @ the crystal bay club