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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Project 365 - Week 14

This week in pictures is pretty varied.  There are baby kittens at the shelter, which still didn't have their eyes open and kind of looked like cute little rats.  Then Emily and I went to the Planned Parenthood book sale, which is the awesomest thing to happen every March and September.  We need to take bigger bags next year.  Then I got my census forms and was a little too excited about it.  Liz texted me that night to see if I wanted to have a photo shoot the next day, and I said, "why, of course!".  So Riana and I bought some more wigs n things and had a really fun photo shoot (many pictures will be posted when I'm reunited with my hard drive in Des Moines).  The next day Colin and I hopped on a couple planes and headed to California for Yonder spring tour!  The next 2 pictures are pretty self-explanatory.  YONDER!!!  Yeah, it was a good week.


planned parenthood book sale!
we heart books!

i was really excited about filling out my census forms

last minute photo shoot

waiting at the des moines airport

hey adam, give us a lick!
ymsb @ the crystal bay club

ymsb @ the crystal bay club

Yonder Mountain String Band - 03/31/10 - Crystal Bay Club - Crystal Bay, NV

Our second night at the Crystal Bay Club.  Fortunately for us, Alison lives in Truckee and instead of spending the day at the Filthy Bilty, we went back to her place for naps and relaxation.  Unfortunately, Alison had a pretty crappy headache all day that would have kept her home if it was any other band.  But, it was Yonder, so she rallied up and made it!

Colin and I had the worst night sleep of our lives the first night at the Bilty, so we got a room in the regular part of the hotel for night two.  This room wasn't much better, but the bed was slightly less hard.  After getting back to Crystal Bay and setting up in our rooms we made it down nice and early and got our spots on the rail.  Dave side.

After the Jagermeister shot in Ramblin, there was a sudden burst of confetti from the ceiling, and Jeff said, "Happy New Year!".  What?!  Then they played a little Auld Lang Syne.  I don't know what that was all about, but it was awesome.

My highlights from this show were Polly Put the Kettle On, Deep Pockets, Ain't No Way of Knowing, Jesus on the Mainline, Bolton Stretch, Oklahoma, Winds on Fire, Elzic's Farewell, Not Far Away, Sometimes I've Won, Natchez Whistle, and Ruby.  During Deep Pockets Dave sang, "I wish my baby drove a Caddy, about the fastest one around, burning all four tires, around every little turn in Truckee".  That was nice.

03/31/2010 - Crystal Bay Club - Crystal Bay, NV
Set 1: Blue Collar Blues, Polly Put the Kettle On, Too Late Now, Deep Pockets, Another Day, Ain't No Way of Knowing, Jesus on the Mainline> Fine Excuses> Jesus on the Mainline, Finally Saw the Light> Classic Situation, Long Time, New Speedway Boogie> East Nashville Easter
Set 2: Oklahoma, Up on the Hill Where They do the Boogie, Winds on Fire, Elzic's Farewell> Complicated, Not Far Away, Ramblin in the Rambler> Sometimes I've Won> Ramblin in the Rambler, Natchez Whistle, Raleigh and Spencer> King Ebeneezer> Ruby
Encore: At the End of the Day, Rambler's Anthem

You can buy the show here!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Yonder Mountain String Band - 03/30/10 - Crystal Bay Club - Crystal Bay, NV

We never fly for shows.  NEVER.  I'm not really the flying type.  My favorite show is Lost, and all I can think about on a plane is that if we crash, I hope it's on some crazy island, when I know in reality we'd probably just explode.  But, when Yonder's spring tour was announced and we saw they'd be playing on my birthday, and that we had friends we could ride along with, we decided to just do it.
We got to the Crystal Bay Club and our room at the Biltmore around 6pm, and we could already tell it was going to be a crazy couple of nights.  The cabins at the Biltmore are really cheap rooms (not really cabins, at all), and it almost had a festival vibe to it.  People were roaming around everywhere and everyone was partying with everyone.  We did get hit with some serious snow, but it didn't keep us from having a good time.
The venue was nice and small with fantastic sound.  It wasn't too loud, but definitely not quiet, and we could make out the vocals - both while they were singing and during the banter.  That was nice.  At some venues you just can't hear the vocals very well, or they're all garbled - at least from the front row.
Our friend Dale had a bunch of shirts made for the show, but not everyone wore theirs.  But you better believe I wore mine!

The boys played a great show with a fun mix of oldies and new goodies.  There was plenty of good banter, and it looked like they were really having a good time.

My highlights from the show were: Ten, Night Out, Sharecropper's Son, Pride of Alabama, Honestly, I'll Never Love Anybody but You, 100 Years From Now, Dawn's Early Light, Loved You Enough, Illinois Rain, Sideshow Blues, Part 1> On the Run> Looking Back Over My Shoulder> On the Run, Half Moon Rising, Troubled Mind

03/30/10 - Crystal Bay Club - Crystal Bay, NV
Set 1: Ten, Night Out, Sharecropper's Son, Pride of Alabama, Rag Doll, Mental Breakdown, Honestly, Had to Leave my Boots Behind, Crow Black Chicken, I'll Never Love Anybody But You, 100 Years from Now, Dreams, Sidewalk Stars> Out of the Blue
Set 2: Boatman> Dawn's Early Light> Cuckoo's Nest, River, Pockets, Loved You Enough, Illinois Rain, 40 Miles From Denver, Sideshow Blues, Crazy, Part 1> On the Run> Looking Back Over My Shoulder> On the Run
Encore: Half Moon Rising, Troubled Mind

You can now purchase this show here!


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